Your peace of mind.
We’ll Identify, investigate and respond to any genuine cyber attack quickly to minimise any potential impact to your organisation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.​​
Reducing false positives whilst acting on genuine threats.
Gain visibility of security alerts from any security tool through ConnectProtect's dashboard, aiding the correlation of all the security threats.
Minimal disruption to your IT estate and teams.
Centralised view across all technologies including Microsoft and any third party security implementations without the need for purchasing any further technologies to go live with the service.
Minimal disruption to your IT estate and teams.
Centralised view across all technologies including Microsoft and any third party security implementations without the need for purchasing any further technologies to go live with the service.
Making investigations easy and effective.
We’ll securely store your security logs to be able to investigate historical events easily.
Continuously improving your security posture.
With monthly service reviews with our Service Managers included in the service, you’ll understand areas of risk or gaps in your security defences with remedial recommendations to help improve your cyber security resilience.​
Fast detection and response.
Utilsing our mature AI engine, we leverage automated response to threats to minimise response and containment time.

How it Works
Giving you more than just Azure Sentinel
ConnectProtect SIEM and SOC as a Service built on Microsoft Azure Sentinel.
Giving you more than just Azure Sentinel

Features & Benefits
Rapid onboarding.
Rapid onboarding.
No complicated environment changes or requirements to purchase additional technologies.
No complicated environment changes or requirements to purchase additional technologies.
Rapid onboarding.
No complicated environment changes or requirements to purchase additional technologies.
Rapid onboarding.
A cloud based service with a 24x7 manned security operation centre (SOC).
No complicated environment changes or requirements to purchase additional technologies.
Minimal on-premise footprint. Maximum protection backed by security experts continuously monitoring your organisation.
Flexible consumption model.
A flexible consumption model with ability to add or change the scope depending on your organisation’s needs​.
No need for expensive technology refreshes.
Utilise your existing security tools and still gain centralised visibility of security alerts from your multi-vendor estate of firewalls, endpoints and servers​.
Demonstrate compliance.
Provides you with the ability to demonstrate cyber security best practice for regulatory authorities and third party auditors​.
Enabling better decision making.
Centralised dashboard and reporting that helps you demonstrate value from existing security investments in protecting your organisation.